Plain Wrapped Steel Bushes Permaglide bushes take advantage of the outstanding dry bearing properties of Polytetrafluroethylene (PTFE) and combines them with strength, stability and good wear resistance, excellent heat conductivity and low thermal expansion.DU consists of three bonded layers: a steel backing strip and a porous bronze matrix, impregnated and overlaid with the PTFE/ lead bearing material.
Plain Bronze Backed Steel Bushes Plain bronze backed steel bushes are produced with a plain surface and can be used in a number of applications. These include applications involve harsh conditions, such as water turbines, injection moulding machines, construction equipment, packing machines and automotive transmissions. Using this type of bush will provide you with a long-lasting and reliable performance and the parts are largely maintenance free, which gives you a cost-effective replacement for your worn-out components.
Flanged Wrapped Steel Bushes When these flanged wrapped steel bushes are made, the pores in the bronze layer are filled up with PTFE, before a further layer of the material is put on top. This gives the inside of the flanged wrapped steel plain backed bushes added protection from corrosion, and a coating of tin protects the ends and outer surface.