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CC Section Belts 22x17mm

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Major Brand CC81 Hexagon Section Double Sided V-Belt

Major Brand CC81 Hexagon Section Double Sided V-Belt

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Hexagon profile V-Belts: Hex belts, also known as double V-belts, are [more]...

Brand: Major Brand
Belt Number: CC81
Inside Length Approx: 2057mm = 81 inch
Outside Length Approx: 2220mm = 87.4 inch
Belt Width Approx: 22mm
Belt Depth Approx: 17mm

Double angle belts deliver maximum strength with minimum elongation. They also work with all the other quality materials that are a part of our Hex belts to deliver maximum performance over a long, trouble-free life. Double angle belts are available in AA, BB, and CC cross sections.